Hello, and welcome to Litmocracy, the place where literature meets democracy, literally! We offer a unique tool for the reading public and for writers alike, insofar as we are both a publisher and a writing workshop. We choose the best writing we can find for publication, but that writing isn’t found by some lone editor or individual. Our writing is chosen by readers, readers who vote on every submission we receive. After submission and thanks to the voting process, the best, most popular work rises to the top and is then published, as an E-book, in our anthology or on our website. If you wish to submit an article, want to enter the unpublished author contest, The Steve Hockensmith Mystery Contest, read new work from our many writers, or simply vote on what you see, click on the workshop link, which takes you to our original site. If you wish to see our publications, read interviews, see what’s new or read the newsletters, click on one of the other links.
For those of you here to enter or find details about the Steve Hockensmith Mystery Contest, simply click the button above and register, then continue to the workshop where the contest is being held, or click on the register for free link in the header. Good luck!
Again, welcome, and we look forward to interacting with you. Free your mind and the world will follow, and this is where you begin. Enjoy!
Catch up on Newsletters and read all about what’s new at Litmocracy. There are backdated newsletters in the forum at the workshop if you wish to read an old newsletter or simply follow our history.
Learn about our publishing house and the submission process to see if Litmocracy is the right publisher for your work. We accept all submissions so long as you are a member.
Here you can access and purchase our E-Books.
See all of our Litmocracy titles that are available for purchase. Our list is always expanding, so check back here from time to time. Perhaps your novel may end up on this page!
Find out what Litmocracy is all about!
Interviews with with talented, best selling authors such as Christopher Moore, Andrew Vachss and Steve Hockensmith. An excellent resource for writers, offering insight and advice on how to refine your craft.
Members, head over to the old, familiar workshop that’s been in existence for more than half of a decade. For new members, this is where you sign up and enjoy the interactive experience that is Litmocracy!