Literal Translations
Here's where we discuss Literal Translations, our quarterly magazine. What goes in it, how we can improve it, etc. If you have a submission, visit the workshop to post it, but don't forget to use the FORUM tab if you'd like to solicit comments.
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Submission Discussion
The topics in this forum are generally about submissions in the workshop. If you don't see a topic for a particular submission, either it's an old submission, or the author did not wish to solicit feedback about his or her work.
670 614
Writer’s Block
Posted: 04-25-2020 08:03 PM
Author: InspiredNcom
Literary Magazines
Others are doing the same kind of work we are. If they do certain things better, bring them up and see if we can find a way to improve. If we do better, let's hear some praise!
1 1
praise where it’s due
Posted: 08-29-2009 02:38 AM
Author: brwn294
Literal Translation and Litmocracy comprise a business enterprise, intended to benefit both the producers of quality writing and the readers who enjoy their work. This is a forum for discussions about the business itself.
2 3
Growing: Indoor vs Outdoor
Posted: 11-19-2010 06:44 AM
Author: duncan99white
Short Contests
StarLizard is creating contests to inspire us. Fee free to propose ideas or discuss them here.
26 49
Matt and the Wall
Posted: 12-28-2010 12:00 AM
Author: StarLizard
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