Posted: 24 November 2012 03:45 PM   [ Ignore ]
Total Posts:  3
Joined  2012-11-19

I don’t know what I’m doing. if I click to read more does that mean I am voting for that piece? Button said “better one is above” but I disagreed and thought the “better one was below” so I clicked on the “better one is below” button and was then shown another piece. Is that what I’m supposed to do? I notice my brain pints are accruing, but what do I do with them?

Posted: 24 November 2012 07:21 PM   [ Ignore ]   [ # 1 ]
Total Posts:  639
Joined  2005-08-30

When you choose which one is better, you’re voting, but it’s kind of a temporary vote unless you keep going until it says “Thanks!  It’s in your list now.”  So you’re doing it right - it’s just listing the pieces you’ve already seen so you can compare the new one to each and then it figures out where to put in your list (called “your ticket” on a lot of pages).

There isn’t anything you can do with brain points just yet.  Except show them off, I suppose!  We keep toying with ideas about what to do with them.  Every now and then, we have a contest in which your brain points play a role, so the more you have, the better.

Posted: 27 November 2012 02:30 AM   [ Ignore ]   [ # 2 ]
Total Posts:  3
Joined  2012-11-19

okay. thanks.

Posted: 29 November 2012 09:04 PM   [ Ignore ]   [ # 3 ]
Total Posts:  240
Joined  2005-09-15

You can also choose quick vote and rank it by number compared to other pieces once you’ve read the entire category. I find that easier once I’ve read through them all.
