Choosing what to read
Posted: 24 November 2013 05:01 PM   [ Ignore ]
Total Posts:  3
Joined  2013-11-24


Just got on. I like the concept of reading and voting, but maybe I just haven’t figured it out. When I vote, I’d like to choose a category. I get poetry, which I really don’t care for. Also I got non fiction, which I’m also not that into.

I’d rather not have to read either and sure don’t feel it’s fair for me to vote on them.

Can you select fiction, or skip over a story if you don’t want to read/vote on it?  I looked, but can’t figure it out.

Also, the only way I have found to vote is when I click on the icon at the top of the forums page. Don’t see anything about voting on the home page.

Diana C

Posted: 24 November 2013 05:58 PM   [ Ignore ]   [ # 1 ]
Total Posts:  639
Joined  2005-08-30

Hi Diana,

Voting is in the “Writers Workshop,” and there’s a link to it on the homepage.  In the workshop, there’s a menu across the top that includes “Table of Contents.”  When you hold your mouse over it, it opens a submenu that has “Creative Writing,” which opens another (just hold your mouse over it) submenu of four categories, short story, poetry, 99 Burning, and Humor/Satire.

Posted: 25 November 2013 12:51 PM   [ Ignore ]   [ # 2 ]
Total Posts:  3
Joined  2013-11-24

Okay, I found all that, thanks.  Now I have a new problem. In all of those submenus it says I have already read all of the stories there. I can’t vote.

Posted: 26 November 2013 01:32 AM   [ Ignore ]   [ # 3 ]
Total Posts:  639
Joined  2005-08-30

As a matter of fact, you have actually voted in all contests between short stories - because there are only two short stories.  There are some other pieces that aren’t poetry, but since they are either Humor/Satire or 99Burning, they won’t show up for you to vote on when you choose the Short Stories subcategory.  Choosing a child category hides the other stuff.

So the best way to keep voting is to click “Creative Writing” itself, and give the poems a chance.  When you choose the parent category, you’ll get all the pieces in all the child categories and you can compare them to each other.  If you’d like to put all the poems below all the non-poems, that is perfectly fine.


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