Oh sorry… didn’t see that latest post before I started whining… (heh heh).
The problem I’m having is (as you may have noticed from all the excellent whining I’ve been doing) that there is too much to choose between, now, in all these disparate categories. If you absolutely MUST insist on having us compare apples with Tibetan monks, then at least the possibilities should be narrowed down somewhat first.
Four categories and pick the top ones from each until you have enough for an issue?
Four categories and have some sort of bake-off between some number of the top 20/30?
After random insane category-free voting (as goes on now) has taken place, divide top (say) 20 into categories and then have a voting bake-off?
Even with NO categories I think the narrowing down and voting over some list of finalists would help contain the chaos in MY brain, anyways.
Need to be able to see which is the top-ranked post without having to wade through all of the posts. Based on my own “ticket”, I don’t even HAVE the top-ranked post listed, and I can’t tell what it is in case I want to change my mind about what I am ranking first. Maybe I’m missing something, but I wish it were easier to figure out, if so.
Hope this helps
J. Colterjohn
Complaints Department Head, Supervisor, Chair, Voice Crying in the Wilderness, Team Lead, King, and Executive Secretary