1) Can YOU see the end of my submission?
Yes I can.
2) Is there a length or size limitation on submissions now?
There always has been. It’s 65,533 characters. But it does sound like your browser.
3) If you vote something into last place, you can’t get rid of it EVER??? How do we get rid of it, then?
You cannot intentionally remove a piece from the site if it wasn’t written by you. It will be knocked off when it is last place in the overall rankings and someone submits a new piece (or edits a piece that has previously fallen out of the top 40). To put it in last place in your list, place it above the pink bar.
4) Can I have a free explanation of what is going on, or maybe some free BRAINPOINTS (which I’ve never understood and which I definitely NEED)???
Yes, this is it.
5) The vote stats page comes up when you click “Voting statistics” doesn’t it?
6) How come there are only two submissions listed? (in voting Statistics for Mind Change)
The top 40 pieces currently contain only two that are in mind change. If you’d like other Mind Change pieces to be in there, please message the author and request that they edit it (any edit will work). This will put it back into first place so people can vote on it again. I expect that re-submitting pieces like this won’t do them much good, but it’s ultimately up to the author to try it, and there’s no harm in asking them to try it because you liked their submission.
7) How come there are only four people listed as judges?
I will double check this, but it is probably because everyone else who compared these two did so before I made the change. I was not able to preserve all decisions when I changed the site.
8) How come I’m not among the judges?
You probably have not voted enough to have both of the pieces in your ticket. The existing 40 candidates for inclusion in Literal Translations are presented in random order to each member, and I suspect that you have not yet seen both of these pieces. If you see both of these pieces in your ticket, please let me know what rank you’ve given them and I will find the bug.
9) How come there are only two things listed as submissions?
see #6.
10) Why am I the only person to be making all these annoying whining noises?
Some of the other members have figured it out on their own, and some just aren’t as brave. You have probably helped several people by asking your questions.