Posted: 21 February 2008 08:58 PM   [ Ignore ]
Total Posts:  6
Joined  2008-01-07

I would like to be able to see the ranking and votes for every piece after I’ve voted. If this isn’t possible, how do we know the results aren’t fixed? Also, now the changes have come to pass, every piece, story, picture, poem are housed together in the same process aren’t they?

Posted: 24 February 2008 08:12 PM   [ Ignore ]   [ # 1 ]
Total Posts:  639
Joined  2005-08-30

Yes, they are all ranked against each other.

Because of my advanced programming skills and your good ideas, the site now has the features you asked about.  If you hold the mouse over the >> in your ticket, you’ll see a popup that tells you what the overall rank is for that piece.  Also, you’ll see that the Vote Stats page allows you to look at stats for any number of top pieces or last place pieces.

Thanks for your suggestions!

Posted: 28 February 2008 05:23 AM   [ Ignore ]   [ # 2 ]
Total Posts:  343
Joined  2006-12-13

Blub blub I’m getting nowhere.  Please submit extremely easy-to-follow explanation of all new features of litmocracy, including the ones asked about.  This should be geared towards complete idiots, just in case *I* come along, wanting information.  Being an idiot, but a stubborn and obnoxious one, I refuse to sit still for my own ignorance much longer. 

I’m getting really worried about my own IQ, but ya’ll should be nice to me in any event.  I mean, even if I’m losing it, hey, it could happen to anybody. 

.(JavaScript must be enabled to view this email address)

What do I have to do or have done, to post?

Thanks in advance, heh heh

.... ok,  just hovered my mouse over some doohickies and it showed me stuff like “39th place” etc.   
I don’t know how anyone would figure this out though, and it still doesn’t make it easy to see who is in first place.  I have to go back to your original post to see THAT.

....ok, now I’m going to look for the famous “Vote Stats Page”. 
I did not see it anywhere before.  This is me, following instructions.

....ok, I just looked for “Vote Stats” and could not find it. 
Now I admit I am not Einstein, and it is late, so mea culpa.  I guess.  But why can’t I post?
I can’t see a “Vote Stats Page” anywhere.
I’m sure there are answers to these questions, and that this is some sort of horrible unexpected Mensa test
which I did not
want to take and which I am now inadvertently failing.

Crankliy as ever,


Posted: 28 February 2008 02:24 PM   [ Ignore ]   [ # 3 ]
Total Posts:  639
Joined  2005-08-30

Cranky cranky!

It only means that I can do a better job explaining things.  So here I go…

You, Julia, have three pieces in the running right now, so in order to post a *new* one, you’d have to have 20 pieces in your list (5 for each of four submissions = 20).  I tihnk you don’t have 20 yet.  However, you *can* replace one of your existing entries with a new one (as far as I know) just by editing it - you can edit the title and the content and even the URL that it uses.  I think the way I wrote it, if you edit an existing entry (to turn it into something entirely new or even if you just make minor edits), all the voting on it is reset - you’re basically asking everyone to take another look at it.  If you’ve changed the title, then it’s like retracting the old one so that you can post a new one *without having to vote first*.

But really, you should vote.  I know you already voted on mostly everything, but since there was no way to register your judgments between pieces in one category and pieces in another (eg Slinky vs The Avvy - which do you think we should publish if we had to choose?), I had to ask everyone to vote on them all again.  I knew that would be some work, and I’m sorry for it, but it had to be done.  I did add a really useful new feature called QuickVote though, so you don’t have to mess with the list - just click whatever place you want the new piece to go in and it’ll submit the new list for you.  Note that you can even move stuff around in your list first and then use QuickVote to submit all your changes.

On the homepage, there is a piece and above the title is the date that it was submitted.  Above that date you’ll see “Voting Statistics”.  It’s the link you seek.

Keep asking, and I’ll keep answering.


PS, you might want to edit your email out of the post and set it in your settings.

Posted: 04 March 2008 11:07 PM   [ Ignore ]   [ # 4 ]
Total Posts:  343
Joined  2006-12-13

<<PS, you might want to edit your email out of the post and set it in your settings.

Well, nobody’s written me anything weird to my e-mail yet, so I assume your spammer-stoppers are working. 

Sorry, I still don’t get how to work things anymore.  Why does “Spammer Attack” always come up, saying “Add this to your ticket” when I first log in to the Litmocracy site?  Surely it must be on my ticket already; I’ve read it two thousand times.  I keep trying to rate it out of existence, just for an exercise (not that I don’t hate spammers, too) but it just won’t go away.  I move it up, I move it down, but there it always is.  Or so it seems. 

I don’t even know what a ticket IS, come to think of it. 

Sorry, really, I’m not trying to be obnoxious; I’m just confused.  (Also I don’t agree with your decision to rate everything against everything else, but this is an Academic Dispute and Nothing Personal.) 

Helllllp, though, OK?

Posted: 05 March 2008 12:24 PM   [ Ignore ]   [ # 5 ]
Total Posts:  639
Joined  2005-08-30

The system automatically puts the next piece for you to rank in last place, below the pink bar.  If you vote it into that place, the system will present it to you again.  The pink bar says “The next item to add to your list:” and it really means that.  Any items you place below that bar will be presented (“two thousand times” if you like) until you rank them above the pink bar.

Did you find the vote stats page?  If so, do you have any suggestions on how I can make it easier for others?

I see you posted a piece, so you’ve obviously done some more voting (thanks!).  Do you understand the requirement now?  Do you have any suggestions on how I can explain that more clearly?

Moving things around in your list has no effect unless you indicate that you’re done moving them around (for now) by clicking one of the QuickVote links or clicking “Submit Ranks” at the bottom.


Posted: 06 March 2008 02:56 AM   [ Ignore ]   [ # 6 ]
Total Posts:  343
Joined  2006-12-13

I click “Quickvote” links and “Submit Ranks” on a regular basis.  I guess that’s why I finally got a chance to post.  But now I have yet another issue, in addition to all my other issues, which is that when I look at my recent submission, and those of some other people, too… they don’t scroll down anymore… can’t see the end.  It might be just my browser, but I doubt it.  Can YOU see the end of my submission?  It’s not just mine—I think one of yours was like that too, earlier.  I thought it was probably just a glitch, but I’m seeing it again with mine.  Is there a length or size limitation on submissions now? 

<<The system automatically puts the next piece for you to rank in last place, below the pink bar. 

Huh?  Well I just submitted something and it’s in first place for ME, although I can’t read the end of it.

<<If you vote it into that place, the system will present it to you again.  The pink bar says “The next item to add to your list:” and it really means that.  Any items you place below that bar will be presented (“two thousand times” if you like) until you rank them above the pink bar.>>

Whahhh?  If you vote something into last place, you can’t get rid of it EVER???  How do we get rid of it, then? 

I’m losing IQ points.  I’m sure it’s not your fault.  Well, no I’m not.  But I’m sure it’s not your fault that I’m not sure it’s not your fault.

Hey Dave, it’s my BIRTHDAY!!!!  Can I have a free explanation of what is going on, or maybe some free BRAINPOINTS (which I’ve never understood and which I definitely NEED)??? 


Posted: 06 March 2008 03:15 AM   [ Ignore ]   [ # 7 ]
Total Posts:  343
Joined  2006-12-13

More… excuse me… 

<<Did you find the vote stats page?  If so, do you have any suggestions on how I can make it easier for others?

Shoot, it WAS my birthday (March 5) but now it’s not.  Rats. 

The vote stats page comes up when you click “Voting statistics” doesn’t it?  I mean, I just tried, and some stuff that looked like voting statistics came up. 

Wait, I just tried again in a few Categories and it looks weird.  Like there are only a couple of people voting on a couple of entries.  Eg.  in Mind Change: 

“The Voting statistics have been updated to reflect only those entries that are still in the top 9 places.

This shows up to 25 members who have produced the most decisions by ranking posts in this category.

The stats may not yet reflect voting that happened in the last 5 minutes.

voting on TopLast 10111213141516171819202122232425262728293031323334353637383940 pieces.
Most Active Judges
Member Number of decisions
Dave Scotese 1
Captain Vegetable 1
SarahJohannaGrace 1
bansidhe 1

How the submissions compare to each other:
As of 2008-03-04 13:10:35, 2 voters liked Why is it so taxing? better than A Letter to the Pastor.
As of 2008-02-28 12:56:55, 2 voters liked A Letter to the Pastor better than Why is it so taxing?.”

How come there are only two submissions listed?  How come there are only four people listed as judges?  How come I’m not among the judges?  I know I’ve voted on both of these before.  How come there are only two things listed as submissions?  Why am I the only person to be making all these annoying whining noises? 

Cheers (but, sorry, still puzzled)

Posted: 06 March 2008 03:21 PM   [ Ignore ]   [ # 8 ]
Total Posts:  639
Joined  2005-08-30

1) Can YOU see the end of my submission?

Yes I can.

2) Is there a length or size limitation on submissions now?

There always has been.  It’s 65,533 characters.  But it does sound like your browser.

3) If you vote something into last place, you can’t get rid of it EVER???  How do we get rid of it, then?

You cannot intentionally remove a piece from the site if it wasn’t written by you.  It will be knocked off when it is last place in the overall rankings and someone submits a new piece (or edits a piece that has previously fallen out of the top 40).  To put it in last place in your list, place it above the pink bar.

4) Can I have a free explanation of what is going on, or maybe some free BRAINPOINTS (which I’ve never understood and which I definitely NEED)???

Yes, this is it.

5) The vote stats page comes up when you click “Voting statistics” doesn’t it?


6) How come there are only two submissions listed?  (in voting Statistics for Mind Change)

The top 40 pieces currently contain only two that are in mind change.  If you’d like other Mind Change pieces to be in there, please message the author and request that they edit it (any edit will work).  This will put it back into first place so people can vote on it again.  I expect that re-submitting pieces like this won’t do them much good, but it’s ultimately up to the author to try it, and there’s no harm in asking them to try it because you liked their submission.

7) How come there are only four people listed as judges?

I will double check this, but it is probably because everyone else who compared these two did so before I made the change.  I was not able to preserve all decisions when I changed the site.

8) How come I’m not among the judges?

You probably have not voted enough to have both of the pieces in your ticket.  The existing 40 candidates for inclusion in Literal Translations are presented in random order to each member, and I suspect that you have not yet seen both of these pieces.  If you see both of these pieces in your ticket, please let me know what rank you’ve given them and I will find the bug.

9) How come there are only two things listed as submissions?

see #6.

10) Why am I the only person to be making all these annoying whining noises?

Some of the other members have figured it out on their own, and some just aren’t as brave.  You have probably helped several people by asking your questions.


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