Posted: 05 March 2008 12:24 AM   [ Ignore ]
Total Posts:  343
Joined  2006-12-13

Did reading this remind you of someone?
Did reading this remind you of something?

(Click the post title to read the submission.)

Posted: 19 March 2008 12:50 AM   [ Ignore ]   [ # 1 ]
Total Posts:  42
Joined  2008-02-18

I love the obsession with Darren. Obsession seems to always makes tone move much more quickly, I think. Well obsession and a good dose of humor, both of which you have. Fan-damn-tastic (that’s my new favorite word!)

Did reading this remind you of someone: Sure! Myself right after my ex-boyfriend broke up with me. I was so heartbroken that I saw him in everything that I did. Hence: Obsession. Only, I was not so humorous.

Did reading this remind you of something: That I need to brush my teeth. I think because you were talking about cleaning!

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