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Say Hi! You’ll get emailed when new members sign up…
Posted: 04 April 2013 10:16 PM   [ Ignore ]   [ # 31 ]
Total Posts:  26
Joined  2013-04-03

[color=blue][size=3] Hello, I am archangel, AKA Michael. I first started writing poetry spasmodically, 40 odd years ago whilst at school. Life soon interfered and the writing became even more spasmodic. 30 quiet years, except for special occasions. Writing has always been for self only, except for the special occasions; memorials, personals and of course, falling in love. I have only been back to regular writing in the last few years, and have only really started sharing it in the last two years. I did study English Literature for one year in my high school days. Apart from that I have no formal education or training in writing poetry. It is simply something that comes from inside somewhere. There is little intectual interference in the process, and for that reason, the standard is not all that good; but it is still primarily for me, so technical and literary standards are not an overiding factor for me. (Whatever the words ‘good’, ‘technical’ and ‘literary’ may really mean) If someone takes something from my writing, then that for me is a bonus. I am interested these days, in what others think of my writing, and that is the main reason I am here. This interest is academic, as opposed to making any money; though that would be nice. I am working also, on a couple of novels; again out of interests sake; and it is very early days in that regard. Poetry is my love; reading and writing, and I am a member of a couple of FB poetry groups. I enjoy them very much.

I am from Australia. My professional background is military, education, training and electronics. I have a Degree in Education from the University of Melbourne, Victoria, Australia. Apart from spasmodic electrical work for one of my son’s companies, I am officially retired from the workforce.

I look forward to my time on here and would like to thank 12mimi22 and StarLizard for encouraging and helping me join and register.


Posted: 06 April 2013 08:52 PM   [ Ignore ]   [ # 32 ]
Total Posts:  286
Joined  2006-07-29

Welcome Michael! Really happy to have you here, and looking forward to more of your submissions!


Artificial intelligence is no match for natural stupidity.

Editing your stuff: Because an apostrophe is often all that stands between writers who know their shit and writers who know they’re shit.

Posted: 06 April 2013 09:18 PM   [ Ignore ]   [ # 33 ]
Total Posts:  26
Joined  2013-04-03

Thankyou Star, I am looking forward to working out how everything works, and getting feedback on my submissions. I have had a couple of discussion points so far and that was good. Thankyou.

Posted: 02 December 2018 07:56 AM   [ Ignore ]   [ # 34 ]
Total Posts:  13
Joined  2018-11-27

“An apostrophe is often all that stands between writers who know their shit and writers who know they’re shit.”

ROTFLMAO….May I share?

I’m Me’ira (mih - ee - rah).  I’m a (just about) 50 year old survivor of medical and psychiatric disabilities, child abuse, domestic violence, and multiple pregnancy loss.  I am a teacher of math, Hebrew, and special ed, an educational advocate for children with special needs and those facing LGBTQI issues in school.  I am also a musician- primarily singing as a Cantor - assisting the Rabbi in the musical aspects of our Shabbat Services. I am a Hebrew Biblical scholar, a B’nai Mitzvah tutor, and a curriculum writer for a private Jewish community.  I hold a Master’s Degree in Education,  and completed my B.S. in physics, math, and astronomy. I love reading, writing, and editing, so finding this place has been a miraculous accident for me. Happy Hannukah!

Posted: 10 April 2019 03:07 AM   [ Ignore ]   [ # 35 ]
Total Posts:  3
Joined  2019-03-29

Hi, I’m Aria. 

I kept a journal instead of talking to humans for most of my young life, and found myself much better at expressing myself in writing than speech.  I haven’t been creatively writing outside of schoolwork for many years (other than the journaling, I guess), but recently picked it up again out of a desire to release some strong emotions.  I will probably continue, but not super frequently, just when inspiration strikes.  I’ve always enjoyed reading literature and poetry, especially when it’s able to communicate someone’s unique worldview/thought process/emotions.  I see most art forms as a way of communicating the hard-to-communicate things about one’s life experience, in order to bring a sense of connection to/between people while simultaneously opening the floor for vulnerability/honesty and getting them thinking introspectively… *pausing to breathe*

Anyway, I hope I can make something that strikes a chord in yer hartstrings er sumthin’, and maybe some of you can do the same for me :D

Thanks for creating a space to share.  It still feels like walking outside naked to me.  I mean, not in a bad way.  I’m pro-nudist.  A closet nudist, if you will.

Okay, cheers.

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