


Friday, November 03, 2006

autumn regrets

Category: Issue 4, Poetry/Lyrics Winners

its been calm for far too long,
now i spend all my time looking
out the window, hoping for a storm.

one that winds its winds through hearts
and pours its rain onto pasts, freeing
regrets and lighting forgotten silhouettes.

i know that you’re trying to forget,
but i can’t help but remember November.
when we watched the leaves leave the trees
above us and dance down toward us.

you’ve changed so much since then
and i haven’t changed at all.
remember when i could make you laugh
and you could still laugh?

the whole world breathes with you
and the whole world just leaves me.
even if we were the last two
you probably wouldn’t,
you probably wouldn’t,
but i would.

Posted by friend of the night on 11/03 at 04:15 AM | Permalink
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