


Thursday, May 16, 2013

Born of Yehoshua Ben Josef

Category: Poetry/Lyrics

As a rain drop, I trickle spent;
down hillside and over cliff.
Falling quickly, then slow the descent;
the forest growing there; stiff.

Blood I saw! I am sure.. blood!
my journey though unceasing.
Hanging to the final roots, in flood
releasing my grasp, fall increasing.

I see them there below me;
wondering at what they see.
Then I see from whence I be;
a man….. nailed to a tree!

For one brief moment, rent;
see more like me falling.
From those below, in descent,
forming a pool; that is my calling,

Then I am………… no more;
Part of many, turning red.
Together as one, blood and us; the core,
we all become… in a sandy bed.

We see him nailed to the tree;
see those below him weeping.
We though one, struggle to see;
to understand what this is… seeping.

Yet all we can do is ask…………..


(Born of Yehoshua Ben Josef)

Posted by archangel on 05/16 at 11:15 PM | Permalink
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