


Friday, June 29, 2007

Cats and Dogs

Category: Issue 7, Poetry/Lyrics Winners

Resentfully, I wept
Peering at sorrow
As if there were
No tomorrow. 

A walk with the dog
Is a one-shot enterprise. 
Either he cures you,
Or you’re in for a surprise. 

Cats come in,
Gently padding, like predators
Who have been lying around all day, mushroom-like,
Doing nothing, all day long
On your new Bedroom Set. 

(I said to them,
“What do you think you’re doing? —
Sprawled around on the bed like this—
When I have to go to work???”

They each batted an eye. 

They won’t tell me how many
Lives they have left.
I am appalled
At what they’ve been through.
Apparently, they were the slaves
Three times over,
Who built the Pyramids. )

Cats are cats;
They lie on the bed and blink at you.
You can’t trust them;
But I do. 

The dog does, too.

Posted by julianyway on 06/29 at 04:28 AM | Permalink
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