


Sunday, April 23, 2006


Category: Poetry/Lyrics Winners, Issue 2

Hazy vastness
Hot, clear air
I inhale the desert.
A remedy for my sticky-tough thoughts -
Gooey like gelantine
Clinging to the branches of my city-stressed brain.

Clear voices on the ridge of the granite hump
Two little boys wave at me – demanding.
I join them.
Want to teach them how to breathe this elixir.
One sits arms on knees, chewing on a grass blade.
The other lies on his stomach, crumbling a sandwich -
For the mice beneath the rock.

We talk infinity.
Men and mice will grow old and die.
But the desert never changes.
A million years ago the desert was the same as now…
I find solace in that thought….

Tension in the six year old.
He stabs his brother with a foot – get up!
Intent in his eyes.
Sturdy little legs clamber to the top.
A large bolder jumps, rumbles and crashes down the granite hill.

We changed it!
We changed the desert!
It is not the same anymore
Like it has been for a million years.
They look at me – defiantly.

I laugh.
Go on Boys – change the world!

Posted by Leserin on 04/23 at 06:17 PM | Permalink
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