Wednesday, November 02, 2005
Come One…Come All…
Category:O.K. you talented writers out there, and you know who you are, in case you missed it in the news letter, there is a new contest running involving 99 burning & litmocracy. We are running a contest involving a thread story with a motif if you will. All information on the story is available at 99, or you can just click on the link at the header here. Go into The Candle Lit Cafe & post away under the 99 Burning computer blooks category. Prizes include $15.00 to the top 13 stories…(myself, Dave, & Winona not included), publication in the next Litmock blook, and the satisfaction of writing a good piece…So come on Penaway…Seleha…Wizard…Nordan…Kitchen Wizard…Cap’n…all…dive in.
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