Friday, March 03, 2006
last words…
Category: Life Winners, Issue 2Back to Voting
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Totally moving, Don. Can’t say much more.
Oooohh, Don! I am in tears for you and for me and for all the rest of them, too.
You’ve done exactly what writing is supposed to do…it touched my soul.
I watched my dad die from cancer, like you, from a distance. It took seven long years, nearly twenty yrs ago, and, you know what, I’m still mad!
I decided then that if there is a ‘capital G’ god, then he/she’s an asshole
This is the best writing I’ve read from you ...
Think about it ... he fought his cancer for so many years and then still had the strengtht to come to visit his grandson, and the courage to show you his wasted frame, because that really takes courage, giving some grandpa advice before leaving this earth. Many a time, I’m sure, he would have been mulling about the fact, that mankind is flying into space, is developing the nastiest weapons but hasn’t yet found a cure for cancer, arthritis, the common cold and others.