


Sunday, October 09, 2005

Litmocratic propositon….

Category: Suggestion Box
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  • That’s very gracious of you, deminizer, but we might consider that some writers might be disinclined to participate beyond one entry, if they knew that they’d be shut out of a category for a month after winning.

    My thought might be just that no writer can win a category two weeks in a row. That would mess up the rankings, though, especially if a writer posted more than one entry in a category, one wins, and then the second is still “in play.”

    Posted by Captain Vegetable  on  10/10  at  12:43 AM
  • Cap’n Veget-a-Voltaire, you make a valid point…I was just checking to see if anyone was awake…You’re idea in your other recent post, a daily contest, is sheer brilliance.
    Dave, you should scale back news & life some $ & turn the savings into a daily prize, utilizing Winona’s idea of a “theme”, a daily theme contest for $5 or whatever, & leave the bigger prizes, as Cap’n vegetable suggests, to the big game hunters…What could be more litmocratic in every way shape & form…Contitooshun…ring!!!

    Posted by deminizer  on  10/10  at  01:11 AM
  • Check out my thoughts and a poll about this issue at: http://www.litmocracy.com/forum/viewtopic.php?t=12

    Posted by .(JavaScript must be enabled to view this email address)  on  10/10  at  12:59 PM
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