


Wednesday, May 02, 2012

My Desk

Category: Poetry/Lyrics

Is covered with a layer of dust,
I’d like to clean it,
And get back to work.

But it’s covered in so much dusk,
That I may never work
On anything else again.

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Old Comments

  • Dear Laptop Screen,
    You’re a sordid scene
    You look like modern art
    From the last time I tried to clean you…
    I really didn’t mean to…
    It wasn’t very smart… 

    Now, I can’t tell the typos from the dead flies.
    Babe, you’re really hard on the eyes.
    Your pal the Keyboard is just as icky
    I can’t find the question mark
    Unless I type in the dark
    And all his keys are sticky.

    Nothing personal, CPU
    I have nothing whatsoever against YOU.
    You’ve been faithful, loyal and trusting;
    But I’m going to replace you, honey
    As soon as I can get the money,
    Because all your friends are disgusting. 











    Posted by julianyway  on  05/02  at  09:55 AM
  • Page 1 of 1 pages

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