


Saturday, July 31, 2010

Strange Normalcy

Category: Issue 20

I ate peanut butter and eggs this morning,
And on the drive to work my car seemed lonely.
I like to drink soap and pee real bubbly.
Sometimes I take rope and wrap it around me.

One time I screamed at the moon; it didn’t answer.
So I shot it and it said that hearts don’t matter.
I asked a king just how to win a war.
He said first to find the board.
I asked a cricket how to make my mark.
He said turn on the lights, you’re throwing in the dark.

I sold my dog to buy it food.
I saw no art when I was at the Louvre.
I sleep on stairs when I’m in the mood.
I shave my hair when I’m in the groove.

I meant exactly what I said.
I’m badass.
And yeah, I ate paintchips as a kid.
Why do you ask?



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