


Wednesday, July 07, 2010

“Recovering the Self” Turns One Year Old (or Young)

Category: PR

Loving Healing Press, Michigan (July 5, 2010) – At the Loving Healing Press, we are happy to announce the completion of our first year of publishing the print quarterly Recovering the Self – a Journal of Hope and Healing, or RTS for short. The birthday issue of RTS is now out in print and available for ordering online.   

During the one year journey of this healing journal, regular and occasional contributors from around the world shared the most touching, uplifting, and positively guiding stories, articles, essays, and various other forms for writing – all focusing on healing/recovering from abuse, loss, trauma, disaster, or any adverse situation in one’s life. The journal’s birthday issue (Vol. II, No. 3) includes writings from: Morgan Phillips, Barbara Sinor, Christy Lowry, Margaret Placentra Johnston, Telaina Eriksen, David J. Roberts, Karen Sherman, Robin Lathangue, Patricia Wellingham-Jones, Sherry Jones Mayo, Alana Richardson, Sweta Srivastava Vikram, Jim Kelly, Tyler R. Tichelaar, Jo Ann Magill, Holli Kenley, Sam Vaknin, Robert Rugel, and George W. Doherty. Thanks to all who made this journal a success!

Entering its second year of publication, RTS will bring feature stories and experts answering questions regarding healing and recovery or coping with situations that threaten one’s physical and/or psychological safety and comfort, besides maintaining its usual categories. With more writers joining and more contributors taking interest in RTS, the journal is on its way to one day becoming the leading resource for information and practical guidance on recovering the self.     

Visit RTS online at http://www.recoveringself.com/. For queries and orders, write to .(JavaScript must be enabled to view this email address).

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