


Saturday, May 21, 2011

Ten Addictions in Three Lines

Category: Issue 22

Little and round and green and tasty
With a grafted pimento heart as red as a poppy
Bobbing up and down in my dirty martini

Long and smooth and smelling slightly earthy
Begging to be set alight so that its smoke can take flight
Loved and hated but mostly needed, between my fingers its filter lingers

Small and dry and dusty with salt
Tucked between cheek and teeth until it is cracked
Indispensable to get through little league games and a great late night snack

Comforting, nostalgic, numbing and fun
First airing way before I was born
Dumb Dora was so dumb…

Cold and clear and always refreshing
Gurgling out of a bottle that has been sweating
Curling around a glass that I’ll relish emptying

Rugged and sharp and to most disgusting
Hiding a culinary pearl that I can’t help eating
Its salty sweetness heightened, perhaps, by a hint of lemon

Big and long and slightly curvy
With a taste that’s slightly tangy and salty
Green and crunchy…Don’t worry, it isn’t rated PG

Black and steaming and oh so stimulating
Percolating with such infinite slowness
Great by itself, and greater still with a little fire water

Huge and wide and forever out of reach
Dotted here and there with twinkling lights
The source of endless dreams, aspirations and wonder

Big and strong and infinitely witty
With a brain like no other and a devotion rarely seen
Always loved, always loving, the last of his kind and the love of my life

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Old Comments

  • Great poem, and fun to guess what they all are. Wasn’t sure about all of them but here goes…
    4)A TV programme?
    5)Wine, or some other kind of booze.
    6)No idea! Can’t think of anything that’s salty, sweet and lemony. The “culinary pearl” phrase made me think of oysters. Then again, pearls aren’t edible…moving on.
    8)No idea again!
    9)The sky.
    10)Your significant other (very sweet ending btw)

    Posted by .(JavaScript must be enabled to view this email address)  on  06/10  at  04:34 PM
  • Yes indeed, you got most of them, which makes me happy that my prose bore fruit.

    1) Olives, yes!
    2) Cigarettes, indeed.
    3) Sorry, thinking of sunflower seeds.
    4) TV show indeed, match game is my steed.
    5) Wine it is, good of you to notice.
    6) Oysters it is, don’t sell yourself short!
    7) Cucumber is close, but pickle is hot.
    8) Coffee is hot, and wakes me right up.
    9) You read my mind, and the stars light right up.
    10) One of a kind, and you’re right on the money smile

    Thanks for the comment, and I’m looking forward for more of your own :D

    Posted by StarLizard  on  06/11  at  02:38 AM
  • Pickles actually makes more sense than cucumber, I can’t imagine anyone being addicted to cucumber.

    Posted by .(JavaScript must be enabled to view this email address)  on  06/11  at  05:08 PM
  • Mmmmm… Cucumbers and garlic salt!

    Posted by deminizer  on  06/12  at  06:44 AM
  • Well, each to their own!

    Posted by .(JavaScript must be enabled to view this email address)  on  06/13  at  07:02 AM
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