Saturday, March 02, 2013
The 21st Century Dilemma: Housework is Easier Thanks To Technology and I still Hate It-Part I
Category: Poetry/Lyrics“Cleaning your house while your kids are still growing is like shoveling the walk before it stops snowing.”
—Phyllis Diller
HOUSEWORK? Ah, the dirty word. It’s the word that drives everyone crazy. Have you noticed there seems to be a fast growing National epidemic when it comes to cleaning companies? The same can be said for well as determined, self-employed individuals such as myself, people with vacuum and mop in hand offering to tackle and defeat that dirty God-Awful word for a fee. Once this mission is accomplished, these hard-working, determined people leave behind a pile of satisfied customers grinning like Cheshire cats, often begging for more, especially the women of the house who avoid facing the H word. In this article, part 1 of a 3 part series on this history of cleaning technology, we will explore the drudgery that is housework, and why it’s such a bother.
Women are stereotyped as chronic complainers, accused of complaining about almost everything that happens in their life, including doing housework. Frazzled women yell out: “I dislike cooking. I hate vacuuming, I detest sweeping and dusting. I hate doing the laundry. I despise picking up after the kids and putting things away.”
The continual negativity that surrounds a habitual complainer generates a huge challenge for those around them. Women feel that the maintenance of a home is neither a business nor a profession, and that, in consequence, this “chore” should not be compared with nor be judged by the same standards.
Although new technology and labor-saving inventions have greatly facilitated housework, the H word is still accompanied with much dissatisfaction, especially when it comes to the lady of the house. The constant bitching that comes from these women, as men call it, drives most men crazy, especially when their mates criticize everything they do or say. Many men find it difficult to adjust to the desires and moods of women.
Why do women complain so much about their lives? Simply put, because women have more issues than men. They have more reasons to be disgruntled. Even when they are relaxing, the pressures of childcare and housework plague them. It’s the circumstances that lead women to behave the way they do, a way some term “bitchy” for lack of a better word. Women feel they are treated unfairly in the work place, and that they are taken for granted and no consideration is given to them in the home by their mates or by their family. In the home, the woman feels that she is treated like a maid, someone whose sole purpose for existence is to pick up everything off the floor. She is expected to be a Johnny on the spot, an errand girl catering to everyone’s whims and schedules, and God forbid, when she doesn’t feel like it, the never-ending whining begins. Even when she is in her painful menstrual cycle, she is expected to perform her domestic chores.
In the American family, men and women have different opinions with regards to housework. Men, in general, hate housework and expect the women to do it. Men feel housework is women’s work, and some men don’t want any part of it. Our culture has bred this mentality for years. Think of the perfect homemaker of the 1950s for example. So many men consider it beneath their dignity to do women’s housework; they do not wish to appear wimpy in the eyes of their macho friends. If and when most men do something around the house, like putting dirty dishes from the sink into the dish washer, taking out the garbage, or throwing a pile of dirty clothes in the washing machine, he feels he is doing his partner a big favor.
“Wow! Gee… thanks, Hon”.
Some men always have an excuse for not helping out around the house. “I put in a long day at work, when I come home I am exhausted and stressed out. I really don’t think my wife’s work is as difficult and burdensome as she says. Besides, even if I wanted to help her, she does everything so much better than I can. I can’t compete with her, so why bother trying she’ll just find another reason to criticize what I did.”
In part 2 of this 3 part series, we’ll explore the differences between the way men and women approach the H word, and how modern circumstances have reversed roles in many American homes. In many cases, the cleaning glove is on the other hand.
Miriam B. Medina loves nothing more than sharing what she learns, creates, and thinks about, and that’s why she loves to write. Be sure to check out her I Hate Housework humor at: where you can enjoy music, images and articles that are guaranteed to make your visit worthwhile.
So find yourself a comfortable chair, get a glass of wine or a hot cup of coffee, and you’ll be all set to take an informative, enjoyable trip with her. Happy reading.
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