


Tuesday, July 11, 2006

Writing Up

Category: Issue 3, Poetry/Lyrics Winners

In the ashtray burns my last cigarette;
the glass of old wines spills and
runs across the the table top.
My pen presses hard against my pad,
but no words appear.

I sit . . .
I sit, staring at the phone near
the door . . .
and it’s silence is too loud.
I wish . . .
I wish you would call so I could
hear your voice . . .
once more . . .
Once more I wish you would call
so I could know what it’s like to smile . . .

The smoke rises from my cigarette,
sails bitterly down my throat;
I pour myself some more old wine
and grimace at its taste.

Still my pen presses hards,
still the words stay from me,
still the phone deafens me . . .
Silence . . .
With it’s silence.

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Old Comments

  • Waiting for that phone to ring and that hand to write and that brain to produce words can be so excruciating…

    But this reminds me of a distinction I’m appreciating more and more.  The phone doesn’t ring because everyone other than the owner of the phone is failing to call it.  However, the only person responsible for the lack of words flowing from the pen is the one holding it.

    I have this theory that depression is a kind of self-reinforcing cycle, maintained by the common response to misery - which is to show compassion.  In other words, depression sets in and then builds on itself, motivating the depressed person to take no action - in order to get close to rock bottom where he or she might find compassion from someone else.  Our failure is that we’re not chess-minded enough to see that, in fact, the depressed person really is the only one who can decide to come out of it - the only one who actually does have control - and that our compassion rewards the decision to avoid using that control.

    So I liked the phone vs pen comparison, but the locus-of-control difference between them ought to be more highly respected - in life, I mean; the poem itself is pretty cool grin.  Oh, except that you’ve got some extra S’s in it.  Please use the permalink to get the “Edit this piece” link and fix them.  If you have trouble, let me know.

    Posted by .(JavaScript must be enabled to view this email address)  on  07/11  at  07:43 PM
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