Monday, May 09, 2011
Historic Landmark Repossessed
Category: Issue 22White House Foreclosed
Insert Image of White House Here. Insert Image of Fema Trailer Here.)
Obama Family Moves into FEMA Trailer on East Lawn.
In the most embarrassing snafu of his administration, U. S. President Barack Obama announced at a press conference this afternoon, “The White House has been repossessed.”
“This is Orwellian,” President Obama hastened to explain. “Due to congressional mandated budget cuts, the person in charge of actually sending the mortgage check to the bank was let go last summer. I am told the job was recently outsourced to a company in India.”
“Apparently, after 120 days of non-payment, the bank’s computer automatically filed foreclosure documents with the 1st Circuit Court of Washington, D.C., which in turn automatically processed the foreclosure application, without human intervention, and consequently, title to the White House automatically reverted back to the lender of record, The Bank of China.”
“This is a simple clerical mistake,” President Obama opined. “As we speak, government lawyers are negotiating a settlement. Let me assure you, Michelle and I, and the girls, fully expect to move back into the White House, in a couple of weeks.”
Representatives of The Bank of China could not be reached for comment. Meanwhile, in Shanghai, China, Cani Dew, business agent for Jackie Chan Enterprises, unveiled floorplans and blue prints to modify the White House into a dine in / take out restuarant slash gynasium and nail salon.
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