


Thursday, November 21, 2013

Lonely Room - Silent Echoes

Category: Poetry/Lyrics

Lonely Room – Silent Echoes

Amidst the of clink of glasses
And chorus of chattering cheers
The swans drift calmly by
Tchaikovsky kissed my ears.

Billy played the honkey tonk
The Piano Man and Lullaby
As ghostly figures filled my mind
Dreams took me bye and bye

Sun beams through the window
Rain bowed smoky haze
Bounced from polished floor boards
Capturing my gaze

A pleasant waltz to Strauss
An ancient Irish jig
Laughter echoes through the house
A private rocking gig.

Slip and slide the saw dust
A foxtrot underway
Lovers whisper gently
Till morn takes them away.

Carols fill the air
Christmas time is nigh
Sleep filled children’s eyelids
And Santa’s sleigh bells by.

Then suddenly it’s over,
Silence fills the air,
Musty takes our nostrils
Darkness all our care.

Cacophony of glasses
Long gone chattering cheers
Piano languished lost its tone
Swan’s silky slipper’s tears

Amidst the time of cob webs
Hanging all alone ~~

© Michael Walsh 2013 All Rights Reserved


Posted by archangel on 11/21 at 07:25 PM | Permalink
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