


Monday, October 17, 2011

‘Snow Magic’ Needs Help to Avoid Euthanasia

Category: Life, People Power

Snow MagicA rare snow tiger named “Snow Magic” is in urgent need of life-saving surgery for his diseased spine and leg joint, as reported in news.

Snow Magic, now only ten years old, developed aneurysm in spine two years ago at the Serenity Springs Wildlife Center, Colorado, where he lives with other big cats. For some time, he had lost mobility but owing to the veterinary surgeon’s efforts, he regained his mobility, albeit he walks with difficulty due to a damaged hind-limb joint. He now needs spine surgery and amputation of the affected leg in order to escape death/euthanasia. With the surgery, he’ll be able to live a fairly good life.

The surgery of this rare, beautiful tiger will cost around $10, 000. All caring individuals/groups are requested to contribute to saving precious the life of Snow Magic. To donate, visit the Serenity Springs Wildlife Center donation page now and help Snow Magic live.

Posted by Prometheus on 10/17 at 02:39 PM | Permalink
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