


Tuesday, December 29, 2009

Welcome 2010, Goodbye 2009!

Category: Issue 17

With only two days to go till the new year’s morning sun lights our world, I feel like saying a word to this year.

First, I love this year because it brought me blessings in disguise. I was terminated from my regular job at the University of Peshawar on charges of misconduct and inefficiency after I exposed the fake research going on in my employer institute. For the first time in my life, I had the chance to prove to my family and the world that I could live as an independent writer; that writing was not only my life-long hobby but my ideal job as well, a job that is at once respectable and more rewarding than any government job where junior employees are required to show servile subordination and partake of the corruption headed by the authorities. This year brought me freedom from the oppressive system of slavery called public service. Thank you 2009! You made my life!

This year also allowed me to see my long-awaited book The Blue Fairy and Other Tales of Transcendence in print as well as the start of my new quarterly magazine Recovering the Self. I got more writer/editor/publisher friends, most prominent of whom is Victor R. Volkman of the Loving Healing Press. Victor is a wonderful person with all the great qualities that I would like to master in my coming years of life, starting with 2010 (and how far is that?) I owe much of my success to Victor and the year 2009 will also be remembered in my life as the time when I worked for one of the best publishers on this planet.

I’d also like to thank 2009 for not taking away my passion for reading, writing, and daydreaming. All my close family members remain alive and fairly healthy till now and I owe their safety to the year 2009. However, this year was also a trying one for my country especially for my province NWFP and the tribal belt which suffered from the horrors of terrorism. The bloodshed still continues but I hope that the coming year – 2010 – will bring the fruit of peace. And the signs are there. Just yesterday, we had a peaceful 10th Moharram in my hometown Hangu after 4 consecutive years of violence on this day. A joy it is to share this news with all!

To all members of Litmocracy, I cordially wish a very happy 2010 with lots of success and happiness. Be good to one another and keep writing!
